Sunday, October 24, 2010

sorry.. ughh..

..i have no legitimate excuse for not updating in like ever. on the plus side i've not been using symptoms in like everrrr(: uhmmm.. i've been sick again. like real sick. yeahh just cause noone knows i'll explain. i randomly get so fucking sick like its not even funny. like in a shit-load of pain. and no doctor can give me a definite diagnosis. and that pisses me off. uhmmm... i'm now on anti-depressants/anxiety/psychotic meds. which also pisses me off. i'm thirteen fucking years old and have to be on meds to be happy. what the flying fuck? like i'm not crazy. but i need meds.. ughh. what other thirteen years old, who should be so fucking happy they should be fucking flying on a damn cloud, has to be on meds to be semi-okay? you know what i mean? maybe not. maybe i'm just blechhhh.? till later.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

soo sorry..

..for not updating in like ever! i have been so fricken sick like you have no idea. but yeahhhh... uhm i'm honestly such a boring person so i got nothin. i have found some less guilt foods though like fiber one cereal and yogurts, cottage cheese (fat-free of course) and a totally guilt free food- lettuce. 3 oz. of lettuce equals ten calories so yeahhh guilt free and light and i mean the lightest i can find dressing. restrictions have been kinda bad lately and it seems as though my thoughts are killing me. i need to go see the psychiatrist my therapist referred me to. anxiety, depression, annoying and interrupting thoughts, and a cracking facade.. i'm a mess.. tell me whats up ya'll.. 'till next time..
